Hi, thanks for stopping by my personal web page. I am retired and like to get into my hobbies and the freedom of retirement. Listed below you will find six of my favorite places on the internet that I have found of interest as I search for things around the world wide web. I hope you will find some of them useful or entertaining.
Entertainment Sites:
We see a lot of movies. So, I use this website to keep up on the latest. The Internet Movie Database offers information on any new or old movies and also anything you need to know about TV.
Anytime I want to read up on world news, I go to MSNBC. This website is a wealth of information!
You can find information about Britbox TV here and signup for a free week to try it out.
Hobby Related Sites:
For lots of home ideas, my favorite place is the Discovery +.
I love to cook, so I get a lot of good recipes and ideas from the Food Network.
Weather Sites:
My family teases me about watching too much of The Weather Channel, but I love this website.