Hi, thanks for stopping by my personal web page. Well, 20 plus years of retirement is great and I find I have time to look for new ways to entertain myself as well as to keep looking for new places to possibly visit. Listed below you will find ten of my favorite places on the internet that I have found of interest in my travels around the world wide web. I hope some of them will be useful or entertaining for you.
For the Computer:
Do you have a need to keep up with the latest version of your Mac software? Then you should visit Mac Update. This site will keep you informed on the latest software releases for you Mac.
For Entertainment:
Need some information about a movie? Then visit The Internet Movie Database. There you can find information about your favorite movie (or any movie as far as that goes).
For Genealogy Research:
If you are wanting to start doing genealogy research on the internet, then Cindi's List of genealogy sites on the Internet is the place to start. It has over 319,000 links to a wide variety of genealogy related web pages.
Wanting to get started in you genealogy search by getting your DNA tested, then AncestryDNA is a good place to start. They have the largest database in the industry which gives you a good chance of finding some matches.
Looking to find where a relative is burried and possbly view a picture of the grave marker? Go to Find a Grave and enter the person’s information and see what you can find.
For Travel:
If you need directions, then MapQuest is the place to go. They will give you driving directions from one place to another and create custom maps at whatever level of magnification you want to help you arrive at your destination.
If you want to travel by train you will want to visit the AmTrak web site to find out which train you will need to take to get you where you want to go. You will be able to get the time schedule for a train, and you can get various other information about AmTrak. If you register with the site you can even purchase your tickets online.
Looking for a tour company. Cindy and I have traveled with American Classic Tours on several of our trips and have found them to provide excellent service. All transfers and tips are included and they will even provide home to airport transportation if you are in the Chicago area.
Traveling to the Chicago area. You may find that the Chicago Transit Authority website will be helpful in planning your travels on public transportation around Chicago.
Looking for a Europian river, check out Emerald Cruises. Cindy and I did a Rhine River cruise with them and it was first class.